Litigation and Arbitration

The Firm has a very solid performance in the litigation area, being historically and nationally recognized for defending the interests of clients in different market segments, notably in the areas of civil, environmental, agrarian, banking, consumer law, pharmaceutical, real estate, mining, protection of intellectual and industrial property, insurance, in addition to also working in areas such as transport and urban mobility, infrastructure, health, energy, basic sanitation, means of payment, trademarks and patents, startups, technology, among countless others.

We also have extensive experience in disputes involving different types of Investment Funds (FII, FIC, FIP and FIDC), in addition to acting in judicial recovery and bankruptcy proceedings, assisting creditors in the negotiation and/or recovery of credits and assets.

Furthermore, we also operate in alternative forms of dispute resolution, including arbitration and mediation, in all the most relevant Arbitration and Mediation Chambers in Brazil, either by sponsoring the interests of our clients or through the presence of our members. acting as arbitrators or mediators.

Finally, the Office has experience in adopting judicial measures to enforce national and international decisions of arbitration chambers and in claims for annulment of arbitral awards.